.. _folder_structure: Folder Structure ================ A standardized folder structure supports the users to know where data, code, documentation, reports and much more are located and where elements should be saved to. The predefined STAMP 4 NLP folder structure looks as follows: :: root <- Will be named as your project name with hyphens |--data |--raw |--interim |--processed |--docs |--build |--source |--models |--notebooks |--exploratory |--reports |--{project_code} <- Will be named as your project name with underscores |--api |--preprocessing |--scripts |--configuration.py |--main.py |--test |--test_files |--test_data |--test_models |--pypoetry.toml |--README.md |--.dvcignore |--.gitignore |--.gitlab-ci.yml Short description for the folders and files: * data * raw: Unprocessed and unchanged data. * interim: Processed data but not ready for training. * processed: Processed data, that is ready for training. * docs * build: Generated documentation. See :ref:`generate_doc` * source: Source files for the documentation. See :ref:`write_documentation` * models: Trained or loaded models are placed here. * notebooks * exploratory: Notebooks for analysis of data or models. * reports: Notebooks for showcases, communication with stakeholders. * {project_code}: * api: Predefined REST Server. See :ref:`start_rest_server` * preprocessing: Preprocessing to transform the raw data to interim and processed format. * scripts: Scripts for ``poetry run`` usage. Predefined are ``gen_doc`` and ``server`` (:ref:`getting_started`). To add and create own scripts see https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/#scripts. * configuration.py: See :ref:`convention_over_configuration` * main.py * test: Tests for your project code. * pypoetry.toml: Configuration file for `poetry `_. Add dependencies, scripts and authors here. * README.md: :ref:`getting_started` in short. * .dvcignore: Files and directories ignored by `DVC `_. DVC is for data versioning. * .gitignore: Files and directories ignored by `git `_. Git is for code versioning. * .gitlab-ci.yml: Build pipeline for GitLab.